Spring Manifest-o

There may be something to this whole philosophy of manifesting. Have you ever tried ridiculously hard to make something happen, only to be wildly unsuccessful for reasons that are a complete mystery to you? You are left feeling exhausted and disheartened. (Anyone want to buy a library full of “how to become a millionaire” books? Cheap.) Yet others seem to attract things effortlessly.

I recently read two things that made me think about how we sometimes set ourselves up for disappointment or outright failure. (yes, dear ones, more absolution coming from your favorite enabler.)

  • The first is a quote from my friend, writing partner, and media expert, Elaine G. Flores (Senior Editor, Moguldom Media Group). Elaine says, “I no longer chase after my dreams because I realized that when you are chasing something it is running away from you.”  BRILLIANT!  Elaine, having just manifested a trip to Paris and a new dream job, is my new hero. Since I was often the person she credited for helping her achieve her goals, I am thinking that the student has now surpassed the teacher. (OK, I don’t know if I am actually mature enough to be pleased by that!)
  • The second is a statistic that floored me – the majority of people who make New Year resolutions, fail to abide by them and give up by the middle of February!

So, my beloved readers, maybe we have to try a little less earnestly, and allow serendipity in a little more. I am not saying we don’t do our homework, not suggesting we don’t prepare ourselves to be ready for our opportunity when it comes (Disraeli), and don’t for a moment take this for enabling indolence. Just saying is maybe there is a way to detach from the angst of it.

Come to think of it, maybe the middle of winter is not the correct time to try to reinvent and resolve. All of nature is resting on January 1st, not making ambitious plans. Perhaps Spring is the best time to start afresh. After all, it is easier to get out and walk for exercise in the nicer weather. It is much more satisfying to have slimming salads in warm weather than in winter when  your body is craving hearty things like root vegetables and, well, Mallomars. (OK, here I admit I am trying to justify the fact that I have completely failed to lose any weight for an upcoming wedding despite the fact that I have had many months notice. I want to suggest to them that I would double my gift if they eloped, but that would be wrong – right?)

Happy Spring, go forth and manifest.